Lush BB Seaweed Fresh Face Mask; My thoughts

It’s no secret that I am a self-confessed Lush-fanatic. If they’ve made it, I want it! Over the years, I’ve worked my way through their fresh face masks, eager to find THE ONE. Oatifix has always been a staple for me as it relaxes my skin and smells goddamn delicious. However, I’ve never felt thatContinueContinue reading “Lush BB Seaweed Fresh Face Mask; My thoughts”

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Beauty Myths: Busted #1: Over-using Products

One of  the most annoying beauty myths around is that we need to use large amounts of a product in order to reap the most benefits! We’ve all read the labels : “Apply a generous layer” ,”slather a thick layer”… while this feels good on your skin and can sometimes be fun, it’s also completelyContinueContinue reading “Beauty Myths: Busted #1: Over-using Products”

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Maxfactor Face Finity All Day Primer; Yay or Nay?

  I don’t know about you, but as a beauty blogger, I am so sick and tired of products not living up to their promises. I’ve used so many primers in the past that have just been “meh” and with their effects lasting only a couple of hours. On the verge of giving up, IContinueContinue reading “Maxfactor Face Finity All Day Primer; Yay or Nay?”

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New Product Alert: Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

I’m pretty much Miss Lazy when it comes to changing up my skincare routine. I tend to stick with a product, once I know that it works for me, in the fear of aggravating my already pretty moody skin. HOWEVER, when a gal spots a possible dupe along the skincare aisles of Boots… she justContinueContinue reading “New Product Alert: Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water”

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Waxperts Ingrown Hair Pads Review!

I’m sure you are all familiar with the painful razor burn, the wax rash or that stubborn stubble that will not shift. The beauty world, isn’t always so glamorous and sometimes we need a hero product to battle our beauty woes. *Enters Waxperts.* I have ridiculously sensitive skin which is not fond of any sortContinueContinue reading “Waxperts Ingrown Hair Pads Review!”

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The Naked 3 Palette; worth the hype?

Be still my beating heart, Urban Decay have released yet another Naked palette and it’s bloomin’ marvellous! As most of you will know, I’m a HUGE fan of the original and first Naked palette. I was sucked into the hype, the MOMENT the word Naked was ever ushered. It comes with me literally everywhere andContinueContinue reading “The Naked 3 Palette; worth the hype?”

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Budget Beauty Buy: Nivea In-Shower Body Moisturiser

Hands up all the lazy ladies out there, who dread the thought of lathering on that lotion on a cold winter’s morning and then waiting half a year for it to dry?! I hear ya! I love the luxury of a body butter as much as the next gal, but sometimes you’ve gotta get in andContinueContinue reading “Budget Beauty Buy: Nivea In-Shower Body Moisturiser”

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Sleepingbootay’s Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts under €50

Hey guys, So I know that a lot of you probably have your Christmas shopping well under swing by now but if you are struggling with gift ideas for that special someone then FEAR NOT, cause Sleepingbootay’s got yo back yo!  Here’s my guide to the best gifts under €50! (All links of the giftsContinueContinue reading “Sleepingbootay’s Christmas Gift Guide: Gifts under €50”

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The Event: NeoStrata Skincare Christmas Pamper Evening

(Wooh… take that for a whopper of a blog title) Aaaaanyway… It’s not every day that you are invited to a swanky event so when I was kindly contacted by one of my favourite PR companies and asked to attend a blogger event.. I couldn’t RSVP quick enough! Being a complete newbie to this brand,ContinueContinue reading “The Event: NeoStrata Skincare Christmas Pamper Evening”

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